Services for You

Family - Cost Information

Most people are extremely concerned about the amount of money they may spend in resolving issues following the breakdown of their relationship.

The issue of costs is a significant one to be taken into account when considering how you move forward.

The costs you spend must be proportionate to the amount of money that you have and the work that we are carrying out for you. For example if you are seeking a divorce but have few assets we would advise you carefully about the work that is needed to be done and how to minimise your costs in those circumstances.

If you have property to be dealt with, you will still wish to ensure that you are obtaining value for money, and that the advice that you are given ensures that you are receiving proper benefit for the amount you spend.

Sometimes you have no option but to issue Court proceedings because circumstances or the attitude of your former partner may make this unavoidable and indeed essential.

We offer an initial fixed fee appointment. At that appointment we discuss costs with you in more detail and specifically in relation to your matter in order to give you advice about the likely overall cost of the matter. We will write to you after this meeting to confirm the cost position.

We would always bill you regularly to keep you properly advised about the amounts of your costs at any particular time.

If it is helpful to you, we are able to agree payment by instalments or by debit or credit card. We can also arrange loans for you from specialist companies who deal with loans specifically for these purposes.

It is now extremely difficult to obtain Legal Aid. We do offer Legal Aid for cases relating to children and Social Services. We are able to refer you to other firms of solicitors who offer Legal Aid for other matters.

Fee Estimate